Refund Policy

Return Policy

We strive to provide you with top-quality products and a seamless shopping experience. If, however, you receive a damaged product, we offer the following return options:

  1. Full Refund: You have 30 days from the date of purchase to return the damaged product for a full refund. To be eligible for a refund, you must provide photo proof of the product's damage.
  2. Replacement Product: If you prefer a replacement, we can send you another unit once we receive photo proof of the damaged product. You must return the damaged product with all its original components and packaging if you with to return.

Return Process:

To initiate a return, please follow these steps:

  1. Email us: Contact our customer support team via email at to inform us of the damage.
  2. Provide Photo Proof: Attach clear pictures that clearly display the damaged product, its packaging, and all included components.

Our customer support team will review your request and respond promptly to guide you through the return process. We aim to make your return experience as smooth as possible.

Thank you for choosing our products, and we appreciate your understanding in adhering to our return policy for damaged items. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we look forward to resolving any issues to your complete satisfaction.